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snippet: Shaded relief for the Red River and Devils Lake areas, based on the 1m DEM
summary: Shaded relief for the Red River and Devils Lake areas, based on the 1m DEM
accessInformation: North Dakota state agencies, the ND GIS Hub, International Water Institute
maxScale: 72074.0895400377
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Image Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Shaded relief for the Red River and Devils Lake areas, based on the 1m DEM that was developed from LiDAR during the Red River Basin Mapping Program that took place 2008-2010. This LiDAR data is the result of private and government entities working together under the guidance of the International Water Institute (IWI) regarding the Red River Basin Mapping Initiative (RRBMI). The USACE St Louis District was one of the major contributors in this funding effort. Fugro Horizons Inc in cooperation with North West Geomatics, and Fugro EarthData acquired LiDAR with Leica sensor ALS50-II MPiA for the Red River Basin. The Red River Basin covers ND, MN, SD and flows into Canada. The US Red River Basin boundary covers 40,860 sq, with add-on counties is approximately 47,100 sq miles.
licenseInfo: The State of North Dakota has compiled this data according to conventional cartographic standards, using what is thought to be the most reliable information available. This data is intended to make results of research available at the earliest possible date, but is not intended to constitute final or formal publication. The State of North Dakota makes every effort to provide virus-free files but does not guarantee uncorrupted files. The State of North Dakota does not guarantee this data to be free from errors, inaccuracies, or viruses, and disclaims any responsibility or liability for interpretations or decisions based on this data
title: ShadedRelief_RedRiverDevilsLake_1m_2009
type: Image Service
tags: ["lidar","elevation","shaded relief","red river","IWI","Devils Lake"]
culture: en-US
name: ShadedRelief_RedRiverDevilsLake_1m_2009
minScale: 2.95215470755994E8
spatialReference: NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_14N